Wednesday 7 September 2011

Examples of other text - Magazine adverts.

This advert is fairly different from your everyday magazine advert. Firstly the size of the advert is half the 'normal' size as the majority of magazine adverts are at a full page size. This could be for reasons such as a lower budget for distribution or perhaps the advert was more effective and aesthetically pleasing in a smaller size. The advert consists of the bands name which is in the signature font featured on most of their albums, articles displays etc-using the same font throughout creates a familiarity and recognition of the band. Beneath are details of the new single to be released along with further details of where it can be purchased. To the right hand side is an image which appears to have no obvious relevance to the band or album yet makes the advert look more interesting and eye catching.  Overall this would be a fairly easy advert to create and so, could be an effective one to use for our band-PabloAndThePeople.

Again, another basic yet effective advert consisting of just the bands name, the albums release date and the albums cover. I think the choice to feature the bands album cover is an idea we should consider for our band seeing as they are not a well known and recognised band similarly to Mumford and sons (when this album was advertised). Featuring a album cover on an advert has the effect to eventually create a more recognised album. For example if a person was to be browsing online or in a shop for albums and they came across an album they'd already seen they may be more likely to take a second look as they are familiar with it. Further more I think it will allow the album to be easily identified.

This poster is fairly simple yet very eyecatching. The poster is the same as the cover artwork for Athlete's Black swan album. It identifies the artists and the name of the album in a very large font to draw attention to the audience. The band name is probably the largest as it is something the audience is most likely to recognise and thus draw its audeince in. The distincitve artwork gives a feel for the album as well as represents what it is about, for example the black swan.  It clearly highlights the details of the album release at the bottom of the page, I find it interesting that it includes the different ways the music is available to purchase as this would straight away encourage someone to buy it, seeing that there are lots of different ways makes it seem easily accessable.

 This advert is a bit more individual but just as eyecatching to the audience. The rebellious feel of the poster reflects the band's attitude and star image. However it follows the conventions of having the bands name the largest and the album title also very recognisable. Again the information is highlighted at the bottom below the main part of the image. The poster also include the bands website, which is something we should consider for when we make our own poster.

This is again very colourful and draws attention to the image. The image is very modern and reflective of the artist. The wirting is also individual and stands out on the page. However with this the title is the main focus with the artwork identifying the artist. Although less recognisably, it is something to consider. The background image is also something wirth looking at. Again the details are clearly presented at the bottom of the page, this is clearly a convention of these posters. The details include a website, a quote about or from the artist and other relevant information such as the release dates and what is included in the product.


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